Management 3.0 - kahden päivän kurssi

Management 3.0 – two day course

Management 3.0 is modern management concept created by Jurgen Appelo. He is considered as one the leading management thinkers in the world. Management 3.0 is a management idealogy and group of working methods that are known to be  innovative ways to build the future of procuct development.

Management 3.0 is a  phenomenon that powers the world with increasing pace. In 2016 Management 3.0 workhops were held in 25 countries and with 10 different languages.

Our trainings will held in finnish and english.

Management 3.0 

More than 100 management coaches around the world are now facilitating the future of management through these two-day, hands-on workshops that offer games, tools and best practices that project managers, team leaders, middle management and C-level execs can take back and use immediately to start increasing employee engagement and instigating change management today.


Who should attend a Management 3.0 workshop?

Anyone who wants to be a better leader! We believe that management is not only the managers’ responsibility. It is everyone’s job!

If you’re a team leader, development manager, delivery manager, middle manager, CEO, human resources manager, project manager, product owner, agile developer, scrum master, or want to be a great people leader regardless of title, this workshop is for you!

Management 3.0 Topics: Day 1

Agile management is a proven approach to leadership and governance of creative teams and people. You will learn about different methods, popular practices, challenges in Agile adoption around the world, and the contribution of the manager and team leader in Agile organizations.

Complexity thinking is the cornerstone of an Agile mindset. You will learn what complexity theory is, how to think in terms of systems, about the difference between complex and complicated, about fallacies of traditional linear thinking, and suggestions for complexity thinking.

Intrinsic motivation is the reason people get out of bed in the morning. Since people are the most important parts of an organization and managers must do all they can to keep people active, creative, and motivated. You will learn about the difference between extrinsic motivation vs. intrinsic motivation, the ten intrinsic desires, and common techniques for understanding what is important to the people in your teams, such as one-on-one meetings, personal assessments, the 12 most important questions, and 360 degree evaluations.

Self-organization can offer many answers when it comes to good management. Teams are able to self-organize, but this requires employee empowerment, authorization, and trust from management. You will learn how to make self-organization work, how to distribute authorization in an organization, the challenges of empowerment, how to grow relationships of trust, and several techniques for distributed control, such as the 7 levels of delegation, and authority boards.

Management 3.0 Topics: Day 2

Goal setting is important, since self-organization can lead to anything. Therefore it’s necessary to protect people and shared resources, and to give people a clear purpose and defined goals. You will learn when to manage and when to lead, how to use different criteria to create useful goals, about the challenges around management by objectives, and how to protect people and shared resources from any bad effects of self-organization.

Competence development is key when it comes to doing a good job. Teams are only able to achieve their goals if team members are capable enough, and managers must therefore contribute to the development of competence. You will learn how and when to apply the seven approaches of competence development, how to measure progress in a complex system, the effect of sub-optimization, and several tips for useful metrics.

Organizational structures significantly impact how an organization works. Many teams operate within the context of a complex organization, and thus it is important to consider structures that enhance communication. You will learn how to grow an organizational structure as a fractal, how to balance specialization and generalization, how to choose between functional and cross-functional teams, about informal leadership and widening job titles, and about treating teams as value units in a value network.

Change management is one of the things people in all kinds of organizations struggle with most. People, teams, and organizations need to improve continuously, in order to defer failure for as long as possible. In practice this means that managers and leaders must act as change agents, trying to change the social complex systems around them. You will learn about the 4 facets of change management, which address the system, the individuals, the interactions, and the boundary of the system.

Open course

  • Helsinki/Turku, Finland
  • 1 day training
  • Next open courses can be found from webstore.

Company specific

  • Place you select
  • Day you choose
  • 1 Day


  • Place you select
  • Day you choose
  • Agenda modified to your needs

Tailor or combine to training program

  • You choose the date and places
  • You can combine other trainings as you choose
  • We’ll tailor the courses for your needs

Request tailoring or ask more information!

Organization specific training request - Management 3.0

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